
Monday 30 November 2020



(Trying to rhyme with N or G )

Inside the red gate, nothing would happen.

Inside the red gate, kids are playing.

Trees are swaying, while kids are playing.

 In summer weather, every kid is excited.

In winter, everyone feels cold.

Kids walking to school, while being cold.

People frown and grin, with unexplained expressions.

Inside their skin, they’re growing.

This year everything changed, with distances happening.

While watching others from afar, and waiting for them. 

Students walk to school and come inside the red gate.

Students go and play before the bell rings.

Through these years I have over grew.

I have learnt to have summon sense.

Task description : Today in room 1 everyone had to write a poem about what they can rhyme with,Here is my poem I have made up.

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