
Thursday 19 March 2020

Don't let go

Once upon a time there were 2 twin horses,a duck,lizard and a beautiful Cinderella. She was riding on the horse late at night because she loved looking at and riding the horses at night while the full moon was shining out.
As they came zooming down the stairs cinderella had suddenly let go of the handles so she screamed and yelled out “WAIT” but they just kept on going. Cinderella kept on saying it they finally had stopped for her so she quickly grabbed onto the handle and was riding down the line.
As they were speeding the lizard yelled slow down,slow down Im falling off but they couldn’t hear,So the duck flew and jumped onto the horse and pulled their ears back,As they kept on going faster and faster the pumpkin was shaking and moving side to side then it was moving to much then it fell off and they were still going.
But lucky Cinderella jumped off and went back to go and get it because it was her chair to sit in in the cage,When she hoped off and went back to go and get it she went to find some food to give the horses, the lizard and the duck.
As the moon was going bigger and bigger it shined so brightly at them,when they were riding down it was getting to brighter that they couldn't see so they were riding slow as a turtle.
Task Description: This week Room 1 has been writing a story about Don't let go down below Mrs Moala gave us a photo and we had to describe what we new about it,I think it was pretty easy.
resource image

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